Earn Your M.A. in Educational Leadership — 100% Online

Learn to Lead and Manage Change in Education

Welcome to a transformative learning experience at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, where innovation meets education. Our online degree and graduate certificate programs redefine a flexible and proven education, empowering you to excel in your career on your terms.

If your goal is to improve education and empower educators to do the same, the online Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota provides the skills and knowledge you need. This program focuses on becoming an agent of change and what it takes to be a transformational leader. The evolving curriculum provides current and relevant courses for management and training skills, as well as research.

Through this program, you’ll master the foundational skills employers demand in today’s innovative leaders. You’ll gain the skills needed to learn to develop those around you, manage change, apply educational strategies for learners of all ages and backgrounds, and analyze data to improve any organization.

100% Online


24 Months

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Learn From Real-World Leaders

The Saint Mary’s online M.A. in Educational Leadership is taught by professors who have distinguished themselves as administrators in early childhood, K-12, and higher education, as well as corporate training. This innovative curriculum goes beyond the basics of educational leadership to offer a broader leadership and societal perspective. Delve into courses on the fundamentals of management, ethics and law, and cultural awareness and competence.

Preview just a few of the courses in the online M.A. in Educational Leadership program:

EL 603 Foundations of Educational Leadership

Focus on leadership principles designed to create and sustain educational organizations/programs through the creation and implementation of vision, mission, and reflective practices. Evaluate leadership styles coupled with personal, cultural, and ethical awareness.

EL 623 Curriculum and Instruction

Examine the design and evaluation of curriculum and instructional strategies to create programs that meet the needs of all learners, including adults. Curriculum design models, instructional methodologies, methods for authentic assessment of learning, and learning styles are explored.

EL 652 Adult Learning

Study and apply learning theories that engage diverse adult learners in professional and personal development. Focus on developing coaching and team building skills, creating a learning organization through the use of adult learning theory, establishing staff development, and comparing andragogy and pedagogy.

EL 662 Promoting Change

Survey concepts and strategies related to the creation and implementation of visionary change. Theories surrounding systemic change based on the examination and implementation of internal systems within an educational organization are examined.

Online Convenience, On Point Outcomes

Saint Mary’s online programs are designed to provide excellence in education beyond campus borders. With user-friendly formats and flexible scheduling, our commitment to delivering leading-edge knowledge and valuable credentials allows you to excel in your profession while balancing family and work responsibilities.

Help Others Teach and Learn

Whether as a school or corporate leader, you’ll find the online M.A. in Educational Leadership from Saint Mary’s to be outstanding preparation. Many K-12 leadership roles typically require a master’s degree1. With Saint Mary’s, you can be ready to pursue your chosen career in as little as two years.

Median Annual Salaries 2021

  • Elementary/Middle/High School Principal* $98,4902
  • Instructional Coordinator $66,9703
  • Post-Secondary Education Administrator* $97,5004
  • Social and Community Service Manager $69,6005
  • Training and Development Manager $115,6406

Enriched by the Lasallian Catholic heritage, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota awakens, nurtures, and empowers learners to ethical lives of service and leadership. The Saint Mary’s community, together and by association, is dedicated to quality, diversity, accessibility, social justice, and sound stewardship in all its endeavors.

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Sources and Disclaimers

  1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov.
  2. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Instructional Coordinators. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov.
  3. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Postsecondary Education Administrators. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov.
  4. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Social and Community Service Managers. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov.
  5. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Training and Development Managers. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov.

*These professions require state-issued teacher licensure. Saint Mary’s Master of Arts in Educational Leadership is a non-licensure program designed to prepare educational professionals to become effective leaders and administrators in organizational training and development, higher education, and/or K-12 education. While completion of a master’s degree in a relevant discipline can be an important first step on the way to pursuing professional licensure, this program is not designed or intended to prepare students for teaching or K-12 administrative licensure and does not meet educational requirements for licensure in any jurisdiction.  For more information about Saint Mary’s education programs and professional licensure, visit our Professional Licensure page.

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, www.hlcommission.org.